Class 3A Laser is FDA approved, and has been clinically proven since the 1980’s to produce cellular change in all tissues and organs, including the brain and nervous system. This laser is safe, does not produce heat and can be completely customized.
80-85% of All Human Illnesses and Diseases are Caused by STRESS - This treatment can help:
- Detoxify
- Reset inappropriate responses
- Boost the Immune System
- Balance the entire body
- Alleviate symptoms associated with allergies, asthma, migraines, digestive disorders, skin irritations and so much more.
Biofeedback - Meridian and Energy Stress Assessment (MESA)
- Which substances are negatively impacting the patient's health and what support is needed.
- The severity of the neurological stress response to each specific substance.
- Which part of the body is being impacted by these stressors such as the organs, digestion, Immune, Lymphatic, and Endocrine Systems.
- This system uses an 8 channel process that assures you have very accurate feedback. Note: other systems on the market are only 2 channel systems which limits the accuracy of the scan results.
- Which nutritional, herbal, or adaptogen support is appropriate for your condition.
Class 3A Laser Treatment - Simultaneous Activation of Red, Green and Blue Lasers.
- Green laser: Used to stimulate acupuncture points on the ears - good for emotional ear work (shallow penetration).
- Green 525 nm / 5 mw Class 3a laser.
- Red laser: Most important of the three. Used to access beneath the surface to activate chromophores to elicit healing and deliver the information to the nervous system. Good to reduce inflammation, and swelling.
- Red 635 nm / 5 mw Class 3a Laser.
- Blue laser: Used for skin conditions (very superficial)
- Blue/Violet 405 nm / 5 mw Class 3a laser.
Allergy and Hormone Support - "Laser Acupuncture"
Our ASA Balancing Class 3A Laser utilizes biofeedback technology to customize treatment. This gentle treatment allows us to recondition the body’s allergy/immune and hormonal reaction to stress (chemical, physical and emotional).
Joint and Soft Tissue Support
Our Class 3A laser is also supportive in healing soft tissue injury, scar tissue, degeneration, arthritis, inflammation, and swelling.
Class 3A lasers have been FDA approved for reducing inflammation, promoting circulation, and reducing pain.

Dr. Russel Rhea, MD
Dr. Russel Rhea, MD and Dr. Michael Sulack, DC are ready to provide a customized treatment with our Class 3A laser.
Our Class 3A Laser Program Includes:
- Complete medical history
- Biofeedback Evaluation
- Allergy and hormone system balancing laser treatment ("Laser Acupuncture")
- Joint and Soft Tissue Laser Treatment
Call today to schedule an evaluation and treatment.